While she is happy to have chosen this line of work, there are still times in her life that she ponders why she hadn't just chosen a simpler lifestyle.
She has practiced law in Lethbridge since 1985, along with her fellow women lawyers. The gold ring, which is the symbol of success, is still amiss, even when more and more women have finished law from universities in Canada. Law firms prioritize on hiring male lawyers than female.
There is one more thing that holds back women in the law profession. She states that female lawyers need to worry about marriage, having children and lifestyle every time.
She has high admiration of female lawyers able to have both. The lives of female lawyers are, technically, complicated.
Money is the biggest problem with the profession of law, even for men. After graduating college, many young people are hoping for a better life.
There are very few competitive job openings, and they have to somehow manage to get one before they could pay the large student loan.
The latter has resulted in the practice of law being no longer as civil as it was. There's also not the mentor or training system in place in the same fashion as days past.
After graduating at a law university, a lawyer needs four more years of experience in a law firm before he becomes a member of the Law Society.
She says that one thing she noticed with Lethbridge is the number of women working as criminal defense lawyers which would have been unheard of 20 years ago.
She added to her conclusion that being able to live in the outside and raise children, while still being able to practice law is what attracts more lawyers to come here. Participating boards and committees is one of their way to give back to the community.
In major centers, the lawyers try to purchase a partnership with the law firm by giving up their monthly salaries in exchange of the profits. This fast track to financial success, however, comes at a high personal cost including time not spent with family and failure to do other interests.
Part of the misconception about lawyers and their exorbitant fees comes from people who are not used to dealing with professionals.
Many of us have dental plans and health care subsidies. These people don't need to hire engineers, architects and other professionals and they don't pay school fees until their kids are in Grade 12. It's easy to say they don't pay fees.
She is an active member of the Lawyers Referral Program; all the while she is sharing her knowledge in public talks with the local community college legal education program. A person dealing with a criminal or civil case could simply file an application for legal aid to have a lawyer appointed to him.
Visit http://www.truelocal.com.au/business/henry-carus-compensation-lawyers/altona to learn more about lawyers.
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