Many marketers, including myself, have concentrated to build the traffic using the working SEO methods, i.e. mostly by building links. However, what if we all had done more work in order to make the conversion and the visit experience better? With this kind of a strategy we all could earn money from home and to build the stronger brands, because we should have honestly to research and understand, what our visitors need and want.
1. Follow The Same Strategy Through Your Sales Funnel.
The basic element of a useful page or site experience is the relevant content, i.e. that your title and teaser on the engines result page promises benefits, which the visitor will get from the landing page. And not, that you imagine to earn money from home by promising great benefits in the title, teaser and article, but when the visitor has landed into the landing page, he just cannot find them. He feels to becamo betrayed.
2. Use The Long Tail Keywords, Which Describe And Promise the Benefit.
Most high demand keywords are two word terms, which do not include enough information. But because the marketers are after the big visitor numbers they use them. But does such a searcher even know, what he is looking for? If he doesnt, what may the conversion figures be?
This means, that the keyword research is even more important and by doing it correctly a small business owner can find ways to make money at home even more than the big companies, who have the expert agencies in use. The promise describing search terms are not easy to find, but when you succeed in that, the results can be good. Think, how much fewer visitors you will need or how much more money you could make with the same visitor amount!
3. Aim To A Clear Page Templates, Which Are Nice And Easy To Use.
The clarity of the benefit presentation must be the highest target for every webmaster. Todays trend with the clean and simple pages is good, because it is so visitor friendly. The visitor is a human being, who actually cannot describe in detail, why he liked the site or why not. It is an overall feeling, which will determine the quality of the site visit. To find the right solution requires a lot of testing.
4.The Visitor Is Your Site Visitor, Dont Let Him Go With The Link.
We all have seen several sites, where the link opens in the same window, which means that the visitor may be lost. It is very important, that the link opens in a different window, so it seems also as an outside page.
5. The SEO Stays There, But The Visitor Experience Requires More Human Touch.
It is important to master all the latest SEO techniques, because that is what builds the contact with the market. But what is needed is the change in the thinking. The competition to earn money from home or office happens be understanding the consumers better. And by understanding how your actions will influence on the results. The Analytics tracking is needed and a lot of thinking. The time of engineers in the internet marketing is over, thank God!
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Sees The Site Visitor Experience Important To Earn Money From Home. A High Conversion Represents The Best Method Among The Different Ways To Make Money From Home. Take It As A Focus Area. Visit:
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