Nielsen research on The Holmes Report analysed by Gary Freemantle of Clarion Communications argues that PRs could be considered as a key sales generator by brand owners. Freemantle is claiming that "PR leads to trust" which "leads to sales".
According to Nielsen editorial content is trusted by 69% of consumers over TV, newspaper, radio and cinema adverts, and Freemantle suggest that as PR generates editorial content PR therefore leads to trust.
However, peer recommendation is the number one on the Nielsen 2009 list. Word of mouth is more likely to generate trust than other form of persuasion. If you hear from friends or family that a restaurant is good, a car is reliable or energy source is cheaper we are more likely to investigate it ourselves. The popularity of word of mouth is likely to rise even more in 2012 with the growing success of social media.
The third most powerful channel according to Nielsen is consumer opinions online. If we come across something we as a consumer have an opinion on it is easier than ever to share this opinion with others. TripAdvisor is built up on the power of word of mouth.
Customers are willing to take on board a stranger's advice before booking holidays or restaurants. However, opinions online can also be influenced by PR, TripAdvisor has to prove that reviews on the website are from genuine members of the public and not generated by the proprietor in an attempt to generate some positive PR. "It is PR agencies who can most effectively influence 'citizen journalists'" says Freemantle.
TripAdvisor can have a powerful influence on the success of a business and the trust and reputation hotels hold can be shattered from one bad review. The recent Channel Four programme "Attack of the trip advisors" highlights the problems that one individual's opinion can cause to a business.
The 2011 Edelman Trust Barometer Findings which surveyed over 5000 people in over 20 different countries also highlights the need to use multiple methods of gaining the consumers trust. The findings conclude that "Current media landscape plus increased scepticism requires multiple voices and channels" and more importantly that "trust is a protective agent and leads to tangible benefits; lack of trust is barrier to change".
As previously mentioned, we recommend a bespoke approach for each key audience - focusing on the issues that matter to them and using the tone, "voice" or language they use and the channels they reference to communicate with them. The best way to find this out is to do your homework: targeting mums for your brand?
Spend some time on the forums of sites like Mumsnet or Netmums to start a dialogue. If you want to improve gravitas and consumer confidence in your spokespeople: of course, we recommend presentation training
Will Edwards has extensive knowledge of media training, presentation training and client development. He is responsible for client relations at Bluewood where he aims to deliver the best service in the market.
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