Asphalt is recyclable, environmentally friendly in that sense. The next time you see a parking lot repair job, or asphalt in Atlanta, Birmingham, or elsewhere, think about that fact.
Some studies indicate that 70-80 million tons of asphalt per year is recycled. The actual amount is several times more than any other substance, by weight. This benefits everyone from contractors to clients and everyday Americans.
On average, "re-processed" asphalt also provides a great savings to contractors and consumers alike. Generally, about $50/ton is saved by the process. This is substantial, and the asphalt cost-savings are passed-down to the purchaser. This is a "win-win" situation.
Recycled asphalt also provides another benefit to the environment. The initial process of creating the virgin material lets off a lot of carbon emissions. Re-processing saves-on and vastly reduces these emissions. Rest assured that parking lot repairs, new driveway installations, and roadway repairs are not so bad for their surroundings.
In my neck of the woods, working with asphalt in Atlanta, the results of using recycled material is almost identical to virgin asphalt. Compaction is the key. If properly poured and prepared, there is little difference at all. You can bank on it.
It doesn't ever hurt (if not for the sake of the environment, but your pocketbook) to ask contractors if they can use recycled asphalt. It could be that you find yourself saving some money, while doing a good thing for Mother Earth. Isn't it worth a try? Of course it is.
Asphalt parking lot repairs are an efficient and friendly way to maintain both commercial and organizational premises. This is best done early, at the first sign of trouble, whether it is cracking, chipping, or discoloration. Speaking from years of personal experience, I can verify to you that procrastinating with pavement repairs always leads to worse problems later, and it is usually not so very far down the road.
In the region where our company works, mainly in North Georgia and Atlanta - asphalt that is re-cycled is commonly used by large firms, despite hot summers and a few weeks a year of very cold Januarys. It simply works well in the South, like elsewhere. Contractors know, and make efforts in this direction when it is possible. (It is not always available.)
If you need parking lot repairs, driveway work, or a new parking area, do not put the job off. Do some on-line research now, and telephone a nearby asphalt contractor as soon as possible. The money you save is your own. Do not be afraid to ask questions, and verify the abilities of the contractors you contact. They expect it.
Peyton Stallings is the owner and onsite project manager for
PKS Paving. For more information regarding asphalt paving please visit our site.
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