Before a person can purchase coverage for his or her vehicle, that individual must first obtain a quote for a new policy. People can go about obtaining free car insurance quotes in a number of ways. The most popular way today is for customers to find out this information by shopping online. However, other people may prefer to speak with an agent in person or over the telephone.
Getting a quote online typically begins with a person's visiting the preferred insurer's website. The site usually prompts people to click on links that indicate they want a new policy or a rate quote. After clicking on the link, the site usually asks clients for their identifying information, such as their address, phone number, Social Security number, and driver's license number.
This information is used to indicate a person's credit and driving histories. These details suggest to the insurer whether or not the customer will pay the premiums on time and if that individual has ever been involved in wrecks or has been charged with driving under the influence. These infractions might make people ineligible for coverage or raise their rates if they do qualify.
Customers who are not familiar with how to use the Internet or who are uncomfortable with giving out that information online might prefer to talk to an agent over the phone. Just as with getting a quote online, agents on the phone ask for the same identifying information. They can usually give the caller a rate amount over the phone in just a few minutes' time.
Some individuals feel that this type of business is best handled face-to-face. They may take the time to go to an agency's location and make an appointment with an agent. The two can then meet and speak in person about the customer's needs for coverage and what kind of policy to purchase.
All three methods usually give the customer enough details to help that person decide whether or not to buy the policy. If her or she decides to purchase it, the client may pay for up to six months' worth of coverage. Many businesses also let customers pay monthly.
People have options when they need to get a quote for car coverage. They can speak with agents over the phone or in person. They may also shop online to obtain free car insurance quotes. After they disclose certain identifying information, the company may then tell them what kind of policy they are eligible for and how much it will cost them.
Check out our Massachusetts car insurance quote shopping guidelines for tips on how to get free car insurance quotes, now.
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