In new marketing, it is important to try to build an authentic business. And being authentic doesn't mean being perfect. Being authentic means being trustworthy and transparent - it also means not trying to hide your flaws. Everyone has flaws and if you hide them, people will assume that you're not being completely honest. Living in the social media age, we have to realize everything we do in business can be or will be exposed. This also counts for your personal life. What trail do you have on the internet? So the best thing to do actually is being yourself in the market place.
Many people criticized Steve Jobs of Apple, because of some of his business practises. Yet every business he created was a huge success. Customers trusted him because he revealed his flaws to the whole world - he was a man with nothing to hide.
Be Honest: Honesty is crucial, if you want to be a success in the online world. And being honest means owning up to your mistakes, instead of trying to hide them. If you screw up, tell your customers and apologise to them. If you receive bad feedback, deal with it instead of trying to hide it.
Be Ethical: An authentic business is an ethical one. You can grow a great business without harming others. By adopting ethical practises throughout your business, you are showing customers you care. But don't be tempted to deviate from being ethical, even once or your customers will never forget it. Just one example of a business behaving badly and unethically will colour your customer's perception of your entire business.
Be Passionate: If you are passionate about what you do, your passion will infect your whole business in a positive way. And your customers will be able to see that you actually care about the products and services you provide them with. An authentic business doesn't focus purely on money, and few people will want what you have to offer if money is your only concern.
Fix Mistakes Quickly: Few customers complain for the sake of complaining, there is usually a valid reason. And if you make a mistake, they are usually quite happy to give you more business, so long as you rectify that mistake quickly.
Remember these points when you are building your business and make sure that everyone who works for you understands that they are essential. So, be the living example, for your employees and for your customers in building your authentic business. Your reward is in loyalty, from both your employees and your customers.
Michael Knulst
Michael Knulst is an experienced entrepreneur. With over 20 years of proven achievements in the corporate world, Michael is a first class business coach who knows how to transform your business into a future success story.
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