Cleanroom design build has numerous benefits for the facility owner. It is a method where one company is in control of all the processes from designing to construction. This is preferable instead of getting various entities on the job and the owner acts as the go between to ensure that all stages in the cleanroom design build are completed.
In the design build format, the owner has one point of contact for the design, construction and installation of the facility. The owner will certainly have input to all members of the team, but does not have to do all the leg work with each different entity involved in the project. In essence, the facility owner's presence can be focused on running their existing operation, while the design build team is focusing on completing the tasks required for installing a new facility. The contracting company will take on responsibility of coordinating the activities to ensure that the designer's concept is followed and all workers from the engineer to the construction staff are working on schedule. They will come up with the drawings, specifications and construct it.
By focusing the facility team through one source, the team work guarantees that all sections of the cleanroom design build are handled with care and the project comes out complete. Typically a design build facility will have some performance based requirements, like temperature, humidity, particulate levels, system performance, etc. Performance based contracting works particularly well with cleanroom facilities. Cleanrooms for all types of industries from pharmaceutical to Nanotechnology to Microelectronic to Government will also have a performance requirement at the end of the job.
When an owner hires multiple companies the performance aspect is hard to tie to one entities responsibility. Therefore with cleanroom design build performance based contracts the responsibility rests with one entity. The owner has one source to look to with any defiencies in performance. So the owner only needs to make one call for any items requiring attention.
The facility owner can brief the team about the needs and the type of laboratory required, the team will have the same ideas and this promotes the success of the project. If the facility owner is working with several companies and has the stages of construction divided amongst them, the coordination may lack and the project delivery will be effected.
In addition, the cleanroom team will follow the time plan laid out during the team's meeting. Every section of the advanced technology facility designing process will have its timed duration. The team players will forecast the time they can take on the project and this will avoid any hiccups that may delay the cleanroom construction. In case of delays, the team will sort the situation out to get the process back on track, unlike with multiple different companies. The owner takes a risk to make sure coordination is done extremely well.
A design build project manager will take control of the stages and oversee the reports from different sections of the design. The construction company will ensure that it has the right machines and equipment to meet the standards of cleanroom design build and needs of the facility owner. Otherwise the facility owner will be required to maintain the coordination of their team members.
Additionally, the facility owner will have reduced cost and time through design build construction. Dealing with a number of entities might give the facility owner untold expenses from the monitoring to the cost quotes each company will present. However, when all costs are consolidated into one company, the price reduces remarkably. Another bonus is the facility owner is able to control the risks that may crop up. This is better than handling a number of designers, engineers and builders all in different geographical areas and with different objectives in the project.
Cleanroom Design Build Construction Cleanroom Design Build. Click for more Cleanroom Construction
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