There is an old saying among entrepreneurs who are passionate about their business that there is more to life than money. There is no point in working hard to make money when you leave yourself no time to enjoy it with the people that you love. Financial success comes to those who stay true to the vision that prompted them to start a business in the first place.
What is the purpose of your business? The small business owners that have lost sight of their original goals will blurt out the money answer. But, as we have just learned, working hard only for the money is an empty life choice. When you started your business, there was something that convinced you that it was the right thing to do. You need to remind yourself of that spark if you want to keep the inner flame of motivation burning bright.
Many entrepreneurs identify themselves by their profession. The family-owned cobbler business on the corner probably comes from a long line of cobblers. The purpose of that business is to maintain the family identity. The business exists as a legacy to pass down from one generation to the next. The children are brought into the business at a very young age and taught to follow in their parents' footsteps. It is a source of family pride that each generation is expected to maintain.
But what if you are the first-generation entrepreneur in your family? More than likely, you started your business based on something that you are passionate about. In some cases, the purpose of your business is to expand the influence of your product. There are hat makers that love the art of making hats so much that they consider it their life's work to run a hat shop. That kind of passion is the sort that makes it easy to get up in the morning and go to work. It also makes it easy for your family to understand your motivation and makes them want to share in what you do.
Sometimes the type of business was a secondary choice to the primary purpose of starting the business in the first place. An entrepreneur with a burning need to help people will look for any way she can to make her mark on the world. She has many passions and hobbies, but her driving force is helping people. To that end, she decides to start a charitable organization or she decides to become a licensed counselor and starts her own practice. Regardless of the industry she chooses, the end purpose is to help people.
The majority of entrepreneurs that start a business do so with a belief that they can better their own lives and the lives of others by doing their own thing. If the purpose to starting your business is just to make money, then your foundation is weak. The function of a successful business is to make money. But the purpose for starting a business, and the motivation that drives you to succeed, is usually something that you feel passionate about. When you need to find the inspiration to keep your business going, all you need to do is rediscover the purpose of your business and feed off of that as you did when you first started.
Kenneth Vogt is CEO of, a content distribution service that helps you get targeted web traffic. Discover how to create content that drives targeted traffic to your website in our free report:
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