Hypoactive thyroid or hypothyroidism is a medical problem brought about by under-active thyroid that secretes insufficient level of thyroid hormones. This condition is commonly affecting people from all parts of the world, most often in women. Because the symptoms which are hard to define mimics other kind of conditions. Most of those who have under active thyroid gland are not aware of this problem.
Thyroid gland is the most important endocrine organ because it runs the body's metabolic processes. This distinctive small gland is found just below the lower neck (below the larynx or windpipe). It produces the main thyroid hormones; thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyranine (T3). The manufacturing of T3 and T4 by the thyroid is powered via response mechanism with the tiny pituitary gland, found at the brain's base. The thyroid conjunctive work with the pituitary gland enables it to produce TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone.
Thyroid stimulating hormone signals the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones, T3 and T4. Thyroid hormones are very essential in the human body, because it controls the metabolism and all other organs in the body. It serves as prime determinants of the organs' speed of work and the right amount of energy consumption the body can take in. When the thyroid functions in a sub optimal level the body's cells can't get a hold of enough thyroid hormone, then hypothyroidism will crop up.
Who are affected of Hypoactive Thyroid?
Older women are more prone to hypoactive thyroid and they may also experience it during pregnancy period. Medical statistics show that out of a hundred percent of women, half of the heap has hypoactive thyroid while only one in men will develop symptoms of hypothyroidism.
What are the symptoms of Hypoactive Thyroid?
In contrast with other conditions, the symptoms of hypoactive thyroid are not easy to determine. People who might have this should undergo different test for appropriate diagnosis. Symptoms include:
* Loss of hair
* Split or brittle nails
* Gravelly voice
* Muscle sores and joint pains
* Depression and anxiety
* Fatigue or exhaustion
* Skin and eye itching
* Frequent constipation
* Libido or sexual problems
* Dementia or failure to concentrate properly
* Menstrual difficulties (heavy or infrequent)
* Nausea or dizziness
* Difficulty in losing weight or gaining weight
Diagnosing Hypoactive Thyroid
Blood test. This is done to determine the underlying cause of the condition. The clinical history of the patient is investigated and antibody screening test is also conducted. During the test, the measure of TSH level, T3 and T4 are being carefully examined. However, the blood test is only performed to confirm the analysis of hypothyroidism and not to find out the real cause.
What are the causes?
Having a hypoactive thyroid may be caused by a prolong intake of lithium taken by patients who have mental disorders. Side effects of hyperthyroidism treatment can also be blamed for developing such disease. A thyroidal inflammation called Thyroiditis are also seen by endocrinologists as a potential cause of under active thyroid. Surgeries and radiation exposures are threats to your thyroid health. Damage to our pituitary gland can also impair the production of thyroid hormones causing our thyroid gland to become slow and weakened in function. Iodine deficiency is a risk to the production of thyroid hormones. And finally, a chronic disease called Hashimoto's disease greatly affects the normal function of the thyroid. This kind of disorder is instigated by a person's own immune system leaving the thyroid inflamed and damaged.
Natural Intervention
Aside from the normal diet supplements and nutrient intake, there are recently discovered medicinal plants that can be a potential remedy to hypoactive thyroid. Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an herbaceous plant being considered as natural remedy of hypothyroidism provided it should be taken minimally. However, this herb when taken in high amount can trigger goiters because it contains glucosinolates. Dulse (Palmaria palmata) chewy sea plant, a seaweed rich in protein, antioxidants and naturally contains iodine can medicinally treat thyroid condition. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), a flavorful herb is also an anti-oxidant and effective in maintaining the endocrine system specifically well fitted for curing the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands. Bugleweed (Lycopus europaeus) can be a potential treatment of hypothyroidism or hypoactive thyroid and has been used help normalize chemical balance in super active thyroid glands.
Are you one of the million people around the world who are suffering from hypoactive thyroid? Learn more about by visiting this website http://hypoactive-thyroid.com
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