It's the time of year when the cold weather sets in and we all start to huddle to keep warm. The one last thing we forget about at this time of year is skin care. We all over indulge in stodgy food and alcoholic beverages in a feeble attempt to keep the cold at bay. The chemists have a spike in sale at this time of year and cold and flu remedy sales shoot through the roof.
The neglect of other areas start to show as our hands begin to crack with the cold weather and our skin gets so cold with the winter weather that we don't think to cleanse upon our return home. Too busy fighting the overwhelming cold weather that the thought of stocking up and rehydrating on water is far from our minds. The sheer thought of drinking water chills us to the bone.
So how would you look after your skin in this type of weather and this time year? Well there's one thought will be on everyone's mind when they set off home from a long day at work. A warm soothing relaxing bath. Suds as high as ice bergs but as welcoming and inviting as a hot summers day. The thought of coming home and sorting out the tea and clearing up the messes and packing the children up for bed to then progress into a hot luxurious bath.
So before we progress to this stage, there are still other factors to consider such as white or red wine? Then what bath salts to use, but we also need to ensure that whatever we use will aim to rehydrate the skin and not dehydrate it. It's always wise to check the ingredients of your products prior to purchase. Much in the same way we do with our food. After all we wouldn't eat something that we were not sure of, so why would you do the same to your skin?
If unsure about the ingredients displayed and contained within the product, whether it be bath salts, bath creme or soap then usually the first port of call would be the internet. Research the ingredient and see what else this is used for. You may be quite amazed what some of these ingredients are used for in other industries. If the research was enough to put you these products then never fear, the best thing to do is always go natural. This way all the ingredients contained within the product are natural and also someone has taken the time to make it by hand therefore, it's always safe to buy natural handmade products such as soap.
Fanny & Claude discuss natural handmade soap
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