Having to deal with constant war between you and your appetite plus the added fact that your weight seems to traverse an upward spiral, can be such a stress-producing scenario. Sure, few more intense hours in the gym can help you shed few pounds, but supplementation can surely give you an extra edge. With plenty of options available in the market, it can be nerve-wracking and mind-boggling to determine which product might actually work for you. To help, here are the different types of fat burners, chopped and broken down just for you. Read on and determine which among these products would be your appropriate match.
Thermogenics: The Heat Producing Products
The most popular and widely used fat burners in the market are the thermogenics type. The mechanism of action by which it sheds unwanted fats from your body is by increasing your metabolic rate. The typical ingredients consist of caffeine, synephrine and yohimbe. Due to its stimulant effect, most athletes and bodybuilders would have an increased energy plus enhanced performance coupled with improved mental stamina and alertness. However, if you are either having heart conditions or simply not in favor of stimulants, stimulant-free thermogenics are available in the market. It should be remembered though that prolonged use of stimulants can cause strain on the central nervous system, thus, it would be wise to schedule breaks from thermogenics.
Appetite Suppressants: Controlling Hunger Pangs
Is overeating your problem and a mere sight of food seems to trigger your hunger pangs? Then, appetite suppressants maybe just right for you! Hoodia gordonii contains a substance that can help you win the battle against your seemingly hyperactive appetite. Hoodia works by blocking hunger signals in your brain and promoting feelings of satiety. This mechanism is based on the theory that controlled appetite and less eating leads to weight loss. So, the next time you see that plateful delicious food, you can just guiltlessly skip it without ever looking back.
Carbohydrates Blocker: Curbing Carbs
Carbohydrates are considered as fuel source for most of our vital organs, but overeating carbs can lead to weight gain. By continually eating carbohydrates-rich diet you are actually fronting your body to use glucose as preferred fuel for energy instead of fat. This in turn stops your body from using stored fats as energy fuels, making your body gain weight instead of losing one. Carb blockers act by inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates in your body, thus eliminating considerable amount of carbohydrates in the system.
Fat Blockers: The Fat Binders
This type of supplements act like carb blockers, only this time they are working to wash out fats from your system. Chitosan, a common ingredient in fat blockers actually functions by binding fats; thus, preventing them from being absorbed within your digestive system. Therefore, it is an effective weight controlling agent but only when combined with healthy diet and fitness regimen.
Thyroid-Regulating Products: Function Enhancers
Our thyroid hormones are directly responsible for controlling the basal metabolic rate in our body. People who are suffering from thyroid disorders may not have enough hormones to prompt proper metabolism. Thyroid-regulating fat burners are generally recommended for people suffering from reduce production of thyroid hormones. Guggulsterone and forskolin are two thyroid supplements designed to enhance the functions of our thyroid glands, thereby speeding up metabolism and causing subsequent weight loss.
Cortisol Controlling: Taming Stress
People suffering from too much stress can resort to overeating as a way to compensate. You want to know why? This is because in times of stress our body produces higher levels of cortisol which triggers your appetite and additionally storing fat. The result would be the dreaded weight gain. Through cortisol-controlling supplement, the levels of cortisol are actually brought down to prevent you from overeating while at the same time allowing fats to be washed out from your system.
Sport and Supplements offer value added products and supplies for the fitness and gym enthusiast, visit http://sportandsupplements.com for the latest products now.
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